Welcome to the Kentucky Bluegrass Chapter of The I.S.E.E, and thank you for joining us! If this is your first time hearing from me, it’s because you recently registered for the Kentucky Blasting Conference (KBC). As part of your registration, you’ve received a complimentary Chapter membership for 2025. We’re excited to have you on board and look forward to sharing more about the Chapter and its benefits in the coming months. Be sure to follow us on social media for updates and exclusive members-only events, and add our email to your contact list to ensure you don’t miss any important announcements.
The Kentucky Bluegrass Chapter held an exciting member appreciation social and Board of Directors election on Wednesday, December 4, 2024. Thank you to everyone who joined us and helped us celebrate 2024!
We are thrilled to welcome Morgan Miller as the newest member of our Board of Directors. Morgan is the Vice President of Administration at Brandywine Explosives & Supply, Inc., and Co-Owner of Stratified, LLC. We are confident that her experience and knowledge will be a valuable asset to the Chapter.
Reelected to the Board were Kristie Allen, Martin Brashear, Chip Davis, Brian Lewis, and Kelly Ratliff.
The Chapter's current officers will continue their roles in 2025:
Dana Coppage: President
Daykin Schnell: Vice President
Jonathan Webb: Secretary
Ralph Burnham: Treasurer
A special thank-you to Kristie Allen of HTA Enterprises, Inc. for donating a firearm for the Kentucky Bluegrass Chapter raffle at The KBC. The raffle raised an incredible $3,175 in proceeds to support the Nancy Cole-Allen Scholarship Fund!
We appreciate the continued support of our members and look forward to another successful year ahead.
Dana Coppage,
Coppage Professional Accounting
Kentucky Bluegrass Chapter- President